My Experience and Approach

Practicing since 2004

I have been working as an acupuncturist since 2004.
Nurturing Life started out in Brisbane, but have now been located in the Dandenong Ranges in both Upwey and Tecoma, (Melbourne’s East)  since 2014. Over this time I have continued to grow my knowledge base, techniques, and skills so that I can best serve you.

Clients often say they love the Connection

It’s amazing the amount of ground we can cover in an appointment. On your initial appointment I take nearly an hour to gain a full history. Many patients comment that it is the most thorough history taking they have encountered with any health professional. I do this because I take your whole body – your whole health – seriously. I see no point in just looking at the area of your body that hurts, or is causing a problem. Understanding what’s going on for you and how you use your body is key to getting those long-term results. As a Chinese medicine practitioner I incorporate the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, diet, exercise and lifestyle advice making sure you get the best possible outcome in the shortest timeframe.

Understanding what’s really going on means first talking to you

Asking some questions and listening carefully. Depending on your situation, I may touch on how work or family activities may affect your health. We could discuss what you’re eating, what exercise you may enjoy. I may provide you with some information about acupoints you can use press on, or use when you go home to provide relief between treatments. Or I may recommend supplements to help. Most people will go home with handouts with further information about how they may be able to make changes at home to assist their journey back to wellness.

But, for most of your session time

You get to relax on the treatment table for acupuncture. By the end of your first treatment we will have created a health plan especially for you. A manageable plan rooted in reality that suits you.

Our sessions are usually about an hour

With the exception of your first session which will be about one and a half hours.

This ensures there is plenty of time to talk through what is going to work best for your situation. It also means there’s time to just lie on the treatment table in comfort while the needles do all the work. A perfect balance, wouldn’t you say?

You can read more about what to expect in an acupuncture session here.


Completed through the  Australian College of Natural Medicine (now known as Endeavour College) completing courses at both Melbourne and Brisbane campuses:

  • Bachelor Health Science (Acupuncture) -2005
  • 2 x Advanced Diploma Health Science (Acupuncture)- 2004, 2007
  • Certificate IV Remedial Massage (Oriental Massage)- 2003
Completed through Childbirth International
  • Certified Labour Doula – 2010
  • Certified Trainer for Childbirth International- 2011
  • Diploma Childbirth Education – 2013
  • Post Partum Doula – 2014
  • Certified Breastfeeding Counsellor – 2014

Registration and Memberships

Ongoing education/Seminars:

I have a love of learning, and love adding to my knowledge bank on a regular basis. One of the things I love most about learning new things is it all helps me to help you! In the last 10yrs I have averaged 90hrs of continuing professional education hours a year (the requirement to stay registered is 20hrs/yr).

Some of the courses I have attended over the years include:

  • Connected Midwifery (combining acupuncture and birth work)
  • Practical Fertility Solutions
  • The 8 Extra Meridians
  • Active Birth
  • Natural Pain Free Birth
  • Creating the space
  • Motivating partners
  • Empty Arms- dealing with pregnancy loss
  • Turning Breech babies
  • Understanding and treating Menopause
  • Treating Unexplained Infertility in Men and Women
  • Foundations of Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture (KMS)
  • Five Element Acupuncture (5E)
  • Advanced Kiiko Matsumoto seminar (KMS)
  • Paediatric ShoniShin seminar
  • Integrated Synergy Therapeutics (IST)
  • Psycho-Emotional Mastery
  • Vibrations of Health and Illness
  • Master Tung Master Class
  • Reconnecting the Bao and Dai Mai
  • Living Ligaments I (Integrating Mayan Abdominal Massage techniques from around the world with acupuncture)
  • Living Ligaments II (Integrating Mayan Abdominal Massage with acupuncture on a deeper level)
  • Unified Acupuncture Theory (UAT)
  • I Ching Ba Gua
  • Classical Acupuncture (Jeffery Yuan lineage)
  • Classical pulse taking
  • Chinese Herbal Mentorship
  • Menopause Masterclass
  • Treating Women’s Health with Classical Acupuncture
  • Tungs Acupuncture Workshop (Human Level)
  • Acupuncture for Hayfever
  • Tung’s Fascial Planes
  • Treating Infertility with Tung’s acupuncture
  • Treating Male Infertility
  • Bloodletting/Microbleeding

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