does acupuncture hurt

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

A question I have been asked countless times over the course of my career is “Does acupuncture hurt?”. Really there are so many variables here that come into play! Let’s explore a few of the things that can influence your acupuncture experience and whether it will hurt or not! Acupuncture Style Used by Practitioner There are a multitude of different acupuncture styles that are practiced around the world (I tried …

Acupuncture needles

Needles- A Prickly Subject?

As an acupuncturist, when I tell people what I do the most common response is “Ugh – needles!”, so I thought I would talk about acupuncture needles compared to the needles that are used when going to the doctor. Unfortunately for me (and you!) the association that many of us have with needles is one filled with dread, tears, pain and fear. Hopefully as you read on you will understand that an …