does acupuncture hurt

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

A question I have been asked countless times over the course of my career is “Does acupuncture hurt?”. Really there are so many variables here that come into play! Let’s explore a few of the things that can influence your acupuncture experience and whether it will hurt or not! Acupuncture Style Used by Practitioner There are a multitude of different acupuncture styles that are practiced around the world (I tried …

Dry needling

Dry Needling Vs Acupuncture- Is there a Difference?

What is Dry Needling? The term Dry needling was first introduced in the early 1940s by Janet Travell and David Simons. The technique they introduced originally was the use of hypodermic needles to inject and/ or stimulate trigger points or myofascial trigger points with medcines- such as corticosteroids, analgesics, or saline solution. The analgesics/corticosteroids were being injected to help reduce local pain in the area. The first instance of the term dry …

Increase fertility naturally

Increase Fertility Naturally

When I have new patients coming in wanting some extra support to increase fertility, I always direct them to the following information- it is all lifestyle advice that is free to integrate into your life, and it can help to increase your chances of a successful conception! Ideally it would be wonderful for you to be doing these things for a good three to six months prior to you wanting …

Threatened Miscarriage- What to do

First of all take a big breath. Close your eyes, focus, and stop looking at Google. If you are starting to have cramping, or experiencing spotting it can be terrifying. Immediately you start to think the worst, you can see all of the hopes, dreams, and future you had imagined for your yet to be born child being swept away in the wind, that a miscarriage is inevitable. I have …

Acupuncture needles

Needles- A Prickly Subject?

As an acupuncturist, when I tell people what I do the most common response is “Ugh – needles!”, so I thought I would talk about acupuncture needles compared to the needles that are used when going to the doctor. Unfortunately for me (and you!) the association that many of us have with needles is one filled with dread, tears, pain and fear. Hopefully as you read on you will understand that an …

Keeping the Cold at Bay

Coming into the colder winter months there always seems to be the ever-looming threat of a cold. This may be a persistant sore throat in the mornings, or being surrounded by friends/family/colleagues who are sick and not wanting to interact for fear of catching their dreaded lurgy. There are a few simple things that you are able to do which will not only help keep the colds at bay, but …